Get Accredited as a Kaleidoscope Institute Facilitator or Associate

The Kaleidoscope Institute provides training for leaders who want to foster meaningful and constructive dialogue about important issues in their communities.

If you are interested in becoming an Accredited Facilitator or Associate, please contact us or get connected with an upcoming training. Accredited Facilitators and Associates may also work with our Regional Directors to provide programming for the Kaleidoscope Institute.

Conversation Guide
A Kaleidoscope Institute Conversation Guide guides small group conversations using RESPECT Guidelines, Mutual Invitation, Conocimientos, and Kaleidoscope Bible Sharing. Conversation Guide training equips leaders to facilitate Building Bridges Now sessions and other dialog opportunities in a grace margin. 

A Kaleidoscope Institute Facilitator coordinates and facilitates inclusive small group dialogue using KI’s core Gracious Leadership tools, skills and processes. Facilitators are proficient in the skills of a Conversation Guide, and are actively working on building skills in intercultural group leadership.

A Kaleidoscope Institute Associate represents the Kaleidoscope Institute through consultation and building relationships with clients, designing training and consultation processes, forming project teams to deliver training, dialogue, and consultation processes for specific clients. KI Associates are competent leaders in intercultural settings.