Holy Currencies

The Kaleidoscope Institute offers a wide range of opportunities for individuals
and communities to create missional and sustainable ministries.

What are Holy Currencies?

Holy Currencies is a holistic model for stewardship and congregational vitality, moving beyond “time, talent, and treasure” to create missional and sustainable ministries. This model, with its processes, enables church leaders to understand, develop, and utilize five other kinds of currencies besides money that are essential for creating sustainable and missional ministries. These currencies are: Time & Place, Gracious Leadership, Relationship, Truth, and Wellness. These currencies flow and recirculate to form a Cycle of Blessings which empower congregations to strengthen their internal relationships as well as reach out and connect with the diverse populations in their neighborhoods.

Using the Holy Currencies model KI brings a unique approach to ministry.

A diverse gathering of about 40 people smile at the camera.