Building Bridges Now

Building Bridges Now

The Building Bridges Now dialogue sessions are intended to be a cohesive conversation program inviting participants to commit to recurring sessions covering topics such as Race and Children, Race and Privilege, Black Lives Matter, Race and Immigration, Stop and Frisk, Stand Your Ground, etc.

Building Bridges Now is a carefully designed and ever-expanding resource that empowers Kaleidoscope-trained moderators to create courageous environments and encourage honest sharing of individuals’ diverse opinions, perspectives and experiences. The emphasis on listening to understand each person’s contribution to the topic being addressed can feel counter cultural in an environment that values a debate.

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Anti-Racism Training

Anti-Racism Training

This 12-hour dialogue workshop is designed to help us embrace and enact the vision of Becoming Beloved Community, which is a lifelong spiritual and faith journey. KI believes change happens in the space between comfort and fear – what Eric Law has described as the Grace Margin. All of our programs are designed to follow KI’s Respectful Communication guidelines and to create space for constructive relationship building where individuals can grow.

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Intercultural Development Inventory®

Intercultural Development Inventory®

The Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) assesses intercultural competence—the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behavior to cultural differences and commonalities. The Intercultural Development Inventory is a 50-item questionnaire available online that can be completed in 15–20 minutes. Results of the IDI must be debriefed by a Qualified Administrator.

The Kaleidoscope Institute (KI) has several Qualified Administrators of the IDI who incorporate the teaching and processes of KI in providing group and individual feedback of IDI results. Sessions with groups are typically two hours long. Sessions with individuals usually take one hour. The conversations include time for learning, reflection, and developing an action plan for growth.

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Contact Us

Our Kaleidoscope Institute Associates and Facilitators are available to provide consultation and coaching for local organizations, congregations, dioceses, conferences, presbyteries, associations, or synods.

  • Consulting & Training

  • Events & Workshops

  • Coaching & IDI

Contact us at to connect with a KI Associate and learn more about a potential partnership, or fill out our Contact Form.